If we make the habit easier to do, its less about using willpower to do so.
People will do the right thing if we make it easier for them. Whenever we try to adapt something new, something which is completely unimaginable, it is very hard and takes a lot of willpower to do so. This is one the key reason why its hard to start anything, like going to the gym, eating healthy, doing meditation we don’t know the exact process or we have to fight with obstacles in order to perform that task.
Now imagine, a situation where you want to healthy but you struggle to do so. Somebody gives you healthy orange juice on your bed when you wake up and when you ready to take your daily shit off, from your toothbrush to bathroom everything is ready, now There is the car ready to take you to the gym and as soon you enter the gym you get a pre-workout drink and your personal trainer is there waiting for you and compliments you, He is there to support you on every step of the exercise. And as soon as you came back home your salads and high protein diet are ready for you up. And you have low-calorie desserts to enjoy as well.
Where you have used your willpower, typically nowhere. And once you start to form a habit with this it even as easier as scratching your balls.
But the above example seems like, it's for the rich only, lets deep dive into another example:
You have an event where you want somebody could come and click Photographs, One is a traditional wag Photographer came, make his set, lights, camera tripod ready relax once, and then it has some energy remain, he can click the photo also.
Now, in a different way, You have to make lights, sets, tripod, camera-ready, a photographer arrives and he only has to came and connect with his weapon and start clicking shots one by one.
Which one is the situation where you can get the maximum out of his skills and him, obviously where he has the only a single task to click the photos? It would be even pleasurable experience for the photographer as well, next you would call he would opt you without having another thought.
This is how you make him easy to access the task which he needs to perform.
You can copy this framework to make somebody addicted to anything.
Just make it easy to access, cut all the breakthroughs, and directly come to point.
This is how you facilitate him a habit and
When we use habits we offload the willpower.